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Archive for July 14th, 2008

Socks ‘n’ Stuff

July 14, 2008

The calendar tells me it’s been 12 days since my last entry. I wasn’t out of town or otherwise deprived of internet access; I was mostly just busy sniffling and hacking and moaning my way through a summer cold. I got up, dragged myself to work, battled brain fog to write code and answer questions, dragged myself home, collapsed. Lather, rinse, repeat. Fortunately, I was feeling much improved by this past weekend so I was able to meet up with Jodie and her delightful daughters when they came to visit Ann Arbor on Saturday. We fortified ourselves with lunch at Zingerman’s and then spent the afternoon browsing some of the shops downtown. One of our stops was Busy Hands, where I got a bit more sock yarn. Just a bit. Hardly any at all, really.

And I needed that yarn, because I finished the pair of socks I started back in April when the Yarn Harlot came to town. The yarn is Regia Design Line by Kaffe Fassett, master colorist. Interesting as the colors are, I don’t think I’d use this yarn again; I found it a bit rough to work with. I used the Queen Kahuna book to do the toes (classic side increase style), foot, and short row heel, then used the Roundabout Socks pattern for the cuff, since it met my desire for something a little more interesting than the plain stockinette or ribbing I’ve done but not so complex I would need to keep looking at the pattern. I did mess up the pattern at one point, then messed up the sock even worse trying to fix the error (dropping a bunch of stitches intending to work them back up in pattern was not smart to try while drugged up on Sudafed), but it all worked out okay in the end. Well, mostly okay; I got impatient to be done and skipped the ribbing at the top so my bindoff curls a tiny bit—but that part is hidden under my pants so I can live with it. (On the plus side, I really seem to have gotten over the perfectionism that caused me so much stress when I was younger.)

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