Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for May 5th, 2008

Fuzzy Goodness

May 5, 2008

This weekend I mostly stayed home and tried to catch up on various projects and chores and tasks, but I did take time out from that to see an alpaca show. I almost didn’t go, because it was a bit of a drive and I had so much else to do and I hadn’t promised anyone I’d show up, but in the end the cuteness factor won out and off I went. I’m glad I did. Not only did I get to gaze at all the adorable furry faces and browse the vendor stalls like I expected, I got to see something I didn’t even know existed: alpaca obstacle course. Think dog agility at a slower pace with smaller obstacles and bigger animals. There was a teeter totter and a jump and cones to weave through and several other challenges. It was great fun to watch. Some of the animals were obviously very well trained and experienced and just flowed through the course and some were more hesitant and a few decided rearing up on their hind legs or pulling backwards on their leads was better than whatever their handlers wanted them to be doing at the time. It was quite entertaining.

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