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Archive for April 14th, 2008

Yarny Weekend

April 14, 2008

Amanda came to visit this past weekend, to coincide with the Yarn Harlot (a.k.a. Stephanie Pearl-McPhee) making a tour stop in Ann Arbor, and I’m happy to say everything worked out much better than the last time, starting with the way Amanda and her luggage both arrived in Detroit Thursday night on the same flight, just as planned. We even had enough time that night to have dinner and knit some. Friday we got to go to one of the yarn shops that had to be cut from last year’s agenda (and they were even having a sale) and then met up with Rooey for coffee (well, I had tea, a delicious pomegranate oolong) before making our way to the library to claim seats to see the Harlot. We got there a little after 4 o’clock and were able to get in the front row; by 5:30 all but one seat was taken for the 7 o’clock event. Like last time, the waiting part was great. Seriously. Everyone was happy to be there, and there was a lot of mingling and mutual project admiration going on.

Despite how great the atmosphere in the room was while waiting, I was happy when Stephanie arrived on time for her talk, which was funny and thought-provoking. She answered questions after, then it was time for the massive scramble to get in line for the book signing and one-on-one conversation portion of the program. I am pleased to report that unlike last time, I was able to put aside my shyness enough to both get my book signed and have my picture taken with Stephanie. Once we left the library, Amanda and I headed to Busy Hands to buy a bit more yarn and stuff. Then we looked for other knitters at a pub mentioned as a post-Harlot gathering spot on a thread on Ravelry, but found none and retreated to the quiet of a Greek restaurant down the street for dinner. We peered into the pub again on the way back to the car and still saw no knitters, then considered staking out the library and stalking knitters as they came out before deciding to head home (to knit, of course).

Saturday we knit some more and then had lunch with Denise and Tess before spending the afternoon driving around Detroit, including a stop at City Knits in the Fisher Building. Then there was more knitting, some eating, a bit of sleeping, and still more knitting before Amanda and I went to the Henry Ford to see a quilt exhibit and the Weinermobile before I had to drop her off at the airport for her flight home. It was a great weekend.

(P.S. All the pictures I saw fit to upload are here.)

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