Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for May 10th, 2007

Five Years

May 10, 2007

Five years ago today, I went public with this online journal. This morning I thought about what I’d write to mark the occasion, and decided not to write much at all. Instead, I’m going to have a contest. Back in 1994, I made a wallhanging for the owner of my favorite quilt shop, which was celebrating its fifth anniversary. I chose a focus fabric from the shop and a five-patch basket pattern (five, get it?) and whipped up a little quilt.


Now, I’m going to make a similar one to mark my fifth anniversary of posting entries here in cyberspace. Like the first five-patch basket, this quilt will be given away–in this case, to a reader of this journal, because if no one was reading these entries I would have stopped writing them a long time ago. To enter the drawing, e-mail me (journal at hatontop.com or any one of my other addresses you may already be corresponding with me at) or comment on the picture at Flickr. I’ll pull a name on May 20th and the winner will get to choose the color scheme for the quilt (or can leave it up to me, in which case purple will likely be involved). Thanks for reading!

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