Textile Thursday
December 14, 2006
It’s been months since I last shared additions to my fabric stash, which makes sense because I haven’t been making many additions. I have bought a few things lately, which I was reminded of when I went to put something away in the closet and saw the stack of prints waiting to be put away on the proper shelves. Here are a few selections from that stack:
When I saw these at the Greater Chicago Quilt Exposition, I thought they were from Lakehouse Fabrics, as they have the same sort of gorgeous pearlescent highlights on them as my favorites from Lakehouse. It turns out they’re from Michael Miller Fabrics, which is no surprise really as that’s the company that makes my beloved Fairy Frost. This collection is called Mirror Ball Dot and comes in forty (!) colors. I don’t have that much room left in the pearly section of my stash storage, so I’ll have to exercise restraint.
Lorraine Torrance cut these for me at her booth at the Chicago Quilt Expo. The purple stripe on top is one of the fabrics she designed; I love the touches of acid green. The bottom one is from Japan and was designed by Yoshiko Jinzenji; I have no idea what I’m going to do with it but it was so different I had to get some so I’d have it on hand when inspiration strikes.
My mom gave these to me from her stash; she couldn’t remember what project she’d had in mind for them and figured I might find something to do with them. I told her I’d give them back if she remembered (if I hadn’t already cut them up, of course). I’m thinking maybe a stained glass style wallhanging—not that I’ll get around to making one anytime soon. The red one bled onto another fabric when I washed them; I should have been more careful knowing they were hand dyed.