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Christmas Tree, 2016 Edition

December 25, 2016

Christmas tree

I can’t remember the last time Mr. Karen and I put up a big Christmas tree; in recent years the fascinating fiber optic table top version has served us well. But this year we did put up a big tree, a skinny artificial one my mom gave us because she thought it would look nice in our downstairs entry hall, and decorated it with ornaments that survived our holiday décor purge before we sold our Michigan house. We’ve traditionally had colored lights on our big trees, but this one came prelit with white so we’re doing that now. The ornaments have some plain, traditional shiny balls in the mix, but most are quirkier, things we’ve bought or been given over the years that remind us of places we’ve been and people we love, or that just make us smile.

Purple star




Mickey head


Festive triceratops

Merry Christmas to those of you celebrating today, and Happy Hanukkah. Whatever you are celebrating, whenever you are celebrating, I hope it fills your heart with joy.


On this date in 2015: All Is Calm
2014: Merry Christmas
2013: Christmas Trees of WDW
2012: Merry Christmas from the Monkeys
2011: No entry
2010: No entry. 2009: The Man with the Bag
2008: Christmas Break
2007: Happy Holiday
2006: No entry
2005: Christmas Past
2004: O Christmas Tree
2003: Christians and the Pagans
2002: No entry

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One Comment
  1. Andrea Says:

    Stunning! Thanks for sharing.

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